
Becoming a true sustainability partner

In the face of growing threats to the health of our planetary ecosystem, ClearTech has embraced our responsibility to protect the environment and advance sustainability by aligning ourselves with the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. In fact, we involved our entire organization in creating a sustainability plan and have published it on our website. 

ClearTech’s Christina DeBono discusses e-waste management.

There are two major outgrowths of our initial sustainability efforts. First, ClearTech’s leadership team founded the 501(C)3 non-profit SAVe, or Sustainability in AV. It’s the first industrywide, US-based organization with a mission to educate, unite and mobilize the AV sector to achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Second, we have leveraged our knowledge to assist ClearTech clients in managing their technology infrastructures more sustainably. We did so, in part, because our clients started asking us to help facilitate the reuse, repurposing and responsible recycling of their equipment.

ClearTech founder and president Christina De Bono, who is also the co-founder and president of SAVe, talked about her company’s efforts to help clients minimize their environmental footprint.

Tell us a little about your journey to increased awareness about sustainability.

Christina: As a member of the audiovisual (AV) industry, ClearTech can have the greatest impact in helping our clients make progress toward SDG Goal 12, which aims to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.

After all, our industry’s business model is essentially predicated on the constant refreshment and replacement of AV technology. The problem is, producing AV products requires increasingly scarce resources, and disposing of obsolete technology can exact significant damage to our planetary ecosystem.  

What can we do, then, to reduce the environmental footprint of technology? First, we can educate our clients about the issues they’re facing, and second, we can facilitate their efforts to do the right thing in regard to how they deal with old and obsolete equipment. The goal is simple: to use technology in a way that minimizes resource use and to dispose of end-of-life equipment in a manner that minimizes environmental damage.

So here are some of the services we offer our customers:

  • We provide important resources that are hard to find elsewhere, such as a SAVe QUICKSTART Guide to help organizations develop sustainability programs. 
  • Through our involvement in SAVe, we also facilitate SAVe Certification for industry members. You can find more details about that on the SAVe Resources Page.
  • We consult with customers about identifying equipment that can be reused and repurposed rather than simply replaced. 
  • We provide resources for the removal, reuse, repurposing and responsible recycling or and disposal of equipment. 

Is it difficult to recycle properly? 

There are definitely hurdles. You have to remember that the recycling industry is essentially unregulated, with few laws about how to recycle equipment and basically no penalties for recyclers who do not follow through on their stated procedures. Moreover, our government does not provide incentives or subsidies for recycling. 

Now consider the end user, or the organizations that have old equipment they need to get rid of. How can they know which recyclers are reputable and which aren’t?

Well, ClearTech is trying to help them. We’ve done extensive vetting of recyclers in southern California and have identified ones that actually walk the walk. For example, we’re big fans of Homeboy Industries in the Los Angeles area. This is a remarkable organization that serves high-risk, formerly gang-involved men and women with services and programs that help them get on a more stable path. One of those programs, Homeboy Electronics Recycling, is an award-winning, full-service IT asset disposition and electronics recycling company. They provide certified, secure and ethical solutions for electronics at the end of their life. 

We also partner with Apex Surplus, which provides scrap metal recycling and liquidation in Los Angeles County. They assist both businesses and individuals by providing sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions to prolong the life of recycled goods. 

So you do the work that your customers might not be able to do.

One would hope that the kind of resources we provide would be readily available to everyone, but that’s not yet the case. Consequently, we’ve found that our customers really appreciate the kind of help we can offer. The fact is, most businesses want to do the right thing. They just don’t know where to get started or how to follow through. That’s where we can help.

You said this was part of your culture of partnership, right?

One hundred percent. You know, we don’t force these resources on our clients. They’re asking for them. In many ways, ClearTech is just doing what we’ve always done: keeping our ears and eyes open to the needs of our clients and doing everything we can to make it easier for them to achieve their goals. 

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What it means to really “be there” for our clients

What it means to really “be there” for our clients

By continuously honing our systems and processes, ClearTech provides tremendous peace of mind for clients trying to navigate non-stop technological change and the rapid evolution of the workplace. Offerings like ClearTech Connect Managed AV Services, for example, ensure the working status of our clients’ collaboration infrastructure and keep them a step ahead of the technology curve. 

But everything we do – including every system and process – is built on a foundation of personal commitment and partnership. That’s what sustains our long-term client relationships and keeps us true to our mission. 

Case in point: David Navarro, a ClearTech team member who embodies our ethos of making business personal. Working in the capacity of warehouse manager, service coordinator and project coordinator, David touches every aspect of what we do – and both we and our clients are the better for it. Allow us to introduce you. 

David Navarro

First, tell us a little about how you came to ClearTech.

David: During my undergraduate years, I worked seasonally for the company – maybe for a month or two at a time. Initially, my goal was just to earn extra money for school. I was studying Health Sciences. But I really gravitated to the work and the culture at ClearTech, and after earning my BS I accepted the offer of a full-time position. 

What is it about the company and the position that appealed to you?

Well, the work really aligned with my strengths. I’m a very detail-oriented person, I have a strong memory, and people tell me I’m a good communicator. Along with just being dedicated and responsible, it turns out that those are probably the three keys to succeeding in my job.

Essentially, I wear three hats. My official title is Warehouse Supervisor, and in that capacity I oversee and manage all the shipping, receiving and ordering of equipment. It’s a job that puts me pretty much in the center of everything. I work with the people who design our solutions and the teams that integrate them, and I’m intimately involved in service and support. When you do complex, high-end work like we do, there are a lot of moving parts, which means communication and follow-through are essential. I might be successful in juggling a thousand details, but what happens if I forget, say, to order a key peripheral that we spec’d for a solution? That can reverberate in ways that add days a project and can, in turn, impact other projects. Fortunately, I’m a person who checks and double-checks. I know how important the little things can be and it’s kind of a point of pride for me to get them right.

Another hat I wear is Service Coordinator, which means I’m a first responder for any service requests that come in from clients. I ask what the issue is, then go ahead and coordinate our service techs to diagnose and fix the problem. This involves creating service tickets and making sure all the work is recorded. Then I have to schedule out the service techs for all the jobs. Plus, I quote the service projects and make sure we get paid. 

Third, I’m a Project Coordinator. In that role, I handle project ordering, project creation, and procurement, plus a number of post-completion tasks. For example, I receive gear that we end up not using on a job. It’s on me to return it to inventory and ensure it never gets lost, because we may need that precise piece of equipment in the future. 

You mentioned being dedicated and responsible. Do you think those qualities come naturally to you?

I do. I come from a family that has a powerful work ethic. I grew up in an environment where everywhere I looked, I saw people working hard. But I think dedication and a willingness to take responsibility are also things that an organization brings out in people.

Would you say that ClearTech has done that for you?

Very much so. Doing the right thing, helping your coworkers, going the extra mile for clients even when it adds time or complexity to a project…those actions are valued and rewarded here. They’re part of our culture. 

Tell us more about the ClearTech culture.

I think a core feature of it is that we treat everyone like family. We don’t know each other only as coworkers. We know people’s parents and brothers, sisters, and kids. For example, we have quarterly barbeques where everyone is welcome to invite their family members. By the way, we also extend an open invitation to clients and vendors. 

If you looked at my phone, you’d see that I not only have the numbers of most of the people at ClearTech, but also a lot of our clients. We’re one of the few companies where a customer is welcome to call any of us directly when they have an issue. You don’t have to go through a phone tree on an 800 number. When it comes to helping clients we all take responsibility. And that’s because we all genuinely care about them. We also have a strong problem-solving mentality. If a client calls me with a problem I don’t know how to solve, lots of times I’m going to just figure it out, learn it and attack it. The attitude is: We get it done.

And if a coworker needs help, the same attitude prevails. After all, everything we do ultimately is about serving the clients, and the better we are at that, the stronger and more successful an organization we’ll be.

Any other ways that ClearTech’s culture impacts the way you do your job?

It’s amazing the way we’ve embraced sustainability. And once you start, you can’t stop. Even with scraps of cable that, back in the past, I would have thrown out, now it goes into a specific receptacle. We don’t even throw screws in the trash. 

Oh, there’s another aspect of our culture that’s important, which is that ClearTech cares about us as people, not just employees. Here’s a good example: My dad had a catering business that I’ve since taken over. At a lot of organizations, this would be seen as an imposition – something that could distract me from my full-time job. At ClearTech, I’ve become the resident caterer! I love the catering, and it’s such a pleasure to be able to cook for my coworkers and clients. 

I think when you feel valued like that, you just work harder. You care more. We have a tight-knit group at ClearTech, and that extends to our client relationships. There’s a feeling that we’re all in this together, and that we’re where we’re supposed to be. 

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Can your organization benefit from AV managed services?

Your AV infrastructure is a business-critical component of your organization. But the technology comes at a cost, and your ROI will correspond directly to the degree to which you manage and support it.

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AV-As-A-Service: Is it right for you?

Traditionally, organizations that use AV technology have purchased the infrastructure they need and shouldered the responsibility of maintaining and supporting their gear. Today, they have a compelling alternative to outright ownership.

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Easy Answer: Why ClearTech chooses Q-SYS

Attitudes toward collaboration have evolved dramatically over the past few years. Fueled both by technology advances and pandemic-imposed requirements, organizations of all stripes have come to realize that the hybrid workplace is here to stay. More than that, they’ve zeroed in on what a dispersed workforce needs from collaboration technology: simplicity, reliability, and scalability.

Switching over to a game changer

Recently, we completed the first phase of a project for a high-profile entertainment company with locations worldwide. The assignment: to develop a videoconferencing standard that can be adopted organization wide. At the heart of the solution we provided was the Q-SYS audio, video and control platform. The fact that we chose Q-SYS over some well-established alternatives says a lot about what a game changer QSC has created. 

Perhaps the best way to understand the value of the Q-SYS platform is to look first at how we approach each project. It involves listening to the client, gaining a keen understanding of all their pain points and strategic goals, and coming back to them with a solution that not only addresses the needs they’ve identified, but all the considerations that have popped up on our radar screen. Our goal is to be a trusted partner to our clients – an ally they can count on to keep their technology infrastructure performing at peak levels. And that means really THINKING on their behalf about the entire project life cycle from design through launch to end-of-life.  

Easy to use. Easy to choose

In this case, we had a client with far-flung operations that required constant, multi-party collaboration among a large number of users. Rather than treating each room or facility as a standalone project, the client wanted to establish a standardized conferencing solution that employees only had to learn once and could then navigate successfully at any of the company’s myriad facilities. They also wanted a system that wasn’t just easy to operate but also simple to troubleshoot and service.  

Another key project requirement was that the solution be deployable quickly. The organization’s current system was not performing well and the need for multi-party collaboration was growing by the day. 

Our research took us in a new direction

We dove DEEP into possible solutions, and at every turn we landed at Q-SYS. As we investigated Q-SYS with our client, they were struck by the simplicity and elegance of the solution it provided. Q-SYS, our client discovered, was designed both for ease of use and for ease of integration. 

There are some very robust UC platforms out there, but you pay a price for all that capability. Ultra-powerful systems typically require custom coding and programming. That level of specialization takes time, costs money, and can lead to expensive fixes and upgrades down the line.

Great enough to win our trust

Let’s go back to where we started: From single-location organizations to global enterprise clients like this one, organizations today want simple, reliable, and scalable solutions. The beauty of 

Q-SYS is that it studiously avoids overkill. It might not be the answer for absolutely every application, but it’s a powerful performer that won’t break a sweat while meeting the needs of 99% of users.  

“Today Q-SYS may not be the answer for, say, a full matrix assembly room where you have multiple inputs and outputs, but for small, medium and large conference rooms, it’s a reliable and very flexible solution that enables a substantial degree of customization without complicated programming,” says ClearTech CTO Joe Perez.  “Moreover, Q-SYS plays well with all the manufacturers we know and trust.”

Continues Perez: “Maybe you’re thinking that we chose Q-SYS for this client because it was ‘good enough” for most uses. But ‘good enough’ doesn’t do this technology justice. It’s great enough to have earned our admiration and trust. Just as important, the Q-SYS platform has earned raves from our client, who is eager to adopt this standard across its communication infrastructure.”

The lessons we’ve learned again and again

So what’s the lesson here? There are a few, the first one being: Listen to your clients. Get a real handle on what they need and take the time to anticipate how those requirements will evolve over time. Second, never settle for the status quo. Bring a fresh perspective to each project and start the process of solution creation with a blank slate. Technology is evolving rapidly. New paradigms can arise. If you’re serious about being a trusted partner to your clients, you owe it to them to explore every option, both established and ascendant.  

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Dahlia Abrams Joins ClearTech as Director of Sales

ClearTech’s new sales lead marshals a passion for solving client business problems

Equipped with a deep background in technology, proven track record of in managed services, and a law degree to boot, Dahlia Abrams, our new Director of Sales, brings a remarkable set of skills to ClearTech, spearheading efforts to build and strengthen our client relationships.

Not only does Dahlia understand the power of combining cutting-edge collaboration technology with customized managed services offerings, she will also be essential to providing our clients with safe and secure solutions that are easy to use and manage with her technical and legal acumen – along with her background in software as a service.

We talked with Dahlia about her career background, what led her to ClearTech, and her vision for building client relationships.

Can you tell us a little bit about the arc of your career thus far?

Sure. I’m from New York City, born and raised in Queens, and I went to college and law school out east. I started my legal career at a pivotal time – when the digital and legal worlds were colliding. Being part of that evolution and developing creative, cost-effective ways to solve for this new challenge fueled my passion for technology. Since then, the impact of technology has become even more pervasive. With hacks becoming more and more prevalent and impacting private corporate communications and business operations, privacy and security measures are paramount, and are evolving to meet the current landscape. Compliance regulations are evolving as well, and AI is developing at an astonishing rate. My passion for the convergence of law and technology has led me to develop effective go-to-market strategies, grow new markets, and work with some of the largest global organizations across multiple verticals to address and get ahead of these challenges by implementing the right tech stack. I get a lot of satisfaction from working with clients to solve for business needs by providing transformative solutions.

What is it that drew your attention to ClearTech?

I’m really excited about what ClearTech brings to the table for our clients. One thing that sets us apart is our commitment to being a trusted business partner that forges lasting relationships with each client. We take pride in offering personalized attention and a white-glove service approach, understanding their needs, and refining and adapting our solutions to meet their evolving demands. I was also excited about ClearTech’s ability to serve clients of all sizes, from fast-growing startups to multi-location enterprises, which are a big part of my background.

Another thing I love about ClearTech is the sense of urgency and creativity the company brings to solving clients’ problems. My background as an attorney has taught me the value of urgency and efficiency. My background in technology has taught me the importance of leveraging configurable right-sized solutions and being creative and visionary when putting together custom solutions, anticipating solving the needs of today, while anticipating needs down the line. Getting right to the point, and getting things done is just a part of who I am. That’s a good mindset to have with our clients, because time is of the essence when it comes to AV and collaboration. 

That’s part of why I’m so excited to lead the charge in bringing customized managed services to our clients – they’re an exceptionally powerful tool to propel growth and fuel productivity.

Tell us more about that.

I see managed services as a huge value add. For example, when you partner with us to monitor, manage, and report on your AV infrastructure, you’ll have experts focusing on the technology – people who know what’s needed to solve any AV-related issue and keep everything performing at peak levels. This empowers your existing IT team to focus on what THEY do best. That makes a high-cost workforce more productive, and increased productivity translates into money saved. And speaking of increased productivity, think about the value of having an AV system that’s always going to be there when you need it – that won’t fail when you’re having an important executive meeting, company town hall or investor call. And then there’s simply the peace of mind that comes from having a trusted partner whose sole mission is to keep your system running. Managed services, in fact, are all about peace of mind with predictable costs and constant service.

Additionally: While there are a lot of advantages, there are also concerns with software increasingly operating in the cloud. Having a partner with expertise in monitoring and managing your communication infrastructure helps to ensure all the necessary security measures are in place, and always functional.

More importantly, customization is pivotal in managed services because every business in every industry is unique with each organization having different goals, needs and preferences. Our entire business model is built on becoming a trusted partner to our clients, meaning we don’t just dump an off-the-shelf solution on them; instead, we get to know them, we commit to them, and together, we work to provide optimal solutions to meet their changing needs. I love creating that kind of impact in my business relationships.

You sound pretty passionate about this.

I am EXTREMELY passionate about solving business problems and using technology to make business operations more efficient and even fun. We’re constantly upgrading the tech in our personal lives, and there’s more and more of a growing expectation for that in our work lives. I enjoy bringing cutting-edge solutions to businesses in order to make them more effective. But it’s more than just the solutions. They’re put in place to help people, and that’s what really lights me up– meeting and helping people get what they need to be successful.

My role at ClearTech will center around developing new business relationships, but I’ll also focus on maintaining and growing existing ones. Fundamentally, I just want to provide value to the people we have relationships with. And I think that’s about more than just checking in with them; It’s about understanding what it takes to make them successful, and then arming them with tools and information to make their lives easier. 

Tell us a bit about your life outside of work.

Despite being a native New Yorker, I’ve fully embraced life as an Angeleno. I have a 16-year-old son who aspires to be an aerospace engineer. This is a great place for him to embark on that journey, and I love living here, enjoying a wide range of activities this city has to offer with my son. When I’m not working, I enjoy hiking, searching out the best sushi, and reading up on all things AI. I also enjoy spending my time volunteering for causes I’m passionate about – ending homelessness and providing more educational opportunities to underserved youth. In his spare time, my son tries to get me to learn Python coding, but I’m not nearly as good as he is!

I’ll tell you something else I’m passionate about: I love that ClearTech is a woman-owned business with an exceptionally diverse and talented team, and that we are a mission-driven company with a commitment to bettering our communities and advancing sustainability.  I’m excited to be a part of ClearTech and help chart our future. 

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SAVe Makes International Debut at ISE 2023 in Barcelona

Christina De Bono and Joe Perez introduce SAVe, Sustainability in AV, to ISE 2023 in Barcelona.

In June, 2022, when SAVe, Sustainability in AV, was formally launched at InfoComm in Las Vegas, little did we suspect that mere months later we would be presenting on a global stage at ISE 2023 in Barcelona.

But that’s the power of an idea whose time has come (or, in our industry’s case, an idea that’s long overdue).

Thanks to generous support from ISE, which has designated SAVe as its official Sustainability Partner, along with event sponsors QSC, Legrand AV and Salamander Designs, SAVe was able to send a full delegation to Barcelona, where we exhibited, presented, and introduced ourselves to a global audience at the world’s largest AV industry gathering. 

It’s hard to overstate the scale of ISE 2023, but perhaps most amazing for the SAVe team was ISE’s “all-in” support for our mission, which included giving SAVe prime display and meeting space in the ISE Impact Lounge, centrally located in ISE’s Congress Square, the hub within the vast Fira Gran Via complex. 

Two questions you might ask.

Why did we go to Barcelona, when we’re still establishing ourselves as the first U.S.-based industry-wide organization to bring the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals to our industry? Because sustainability can only be achieved as a global effort. ISE 2023 provided a singular opportunity for SAVe to bring stakeholders together in our industry to take concerted action to achieve the SDGs on every continent, in every nation. 

And how much progress did we make toward achieving our goals for ISE 2023?  

An astounding amount. 

Missions accomplished.

Our principal objective was to provide education and to put out a call to call to action on advancing the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in our industry. One measure of success in this regard is the number of industry leaders we signed up who want to take meaningful action. Individuals and organizations from across our industry – and across the world – expressed keen interest in partnering with us on a number of fronts, from volunteering on specific initiatives like SAVe: A Second Life and SAVe Certification, to becoming SAVe Ambassadors. Another indicator of success is the amount of media coverage we received. See our blog page for links to the various articles. We’ll post them all as they are published. 

In addition, SAVe made critical initial connections to prospective sponsors and partner organizations. And not least, we solidified our relationship with ISE, its parent organizations AVIXA and CEDIA, and laid the foundation for continued collaboration. 

In the coming months, we’ll have much more news to report on these and other fronts. For now, we’re busy absorbing and responding to all the contacts we made and potential avenues for partnership that we identified. 

The road ahead

Look, we’re clear-eyed about the challenges that our industry (and our planet) face as we strive to achieve sustainability. But after spending a week meeting with many of our industry’s brightest, most impassioned and committed people and organizations, it’s impossible not to be energized about our prospects for success. 

The vast majority of people we interacted with understood the challenges we face and were favorably disposed toward taking action. And among them were scores of attendees – many of them industry leaders – who had already done their homework and indeed made it a personal priority to meet with and learn more about SAVe. 

We have momentum. We have the numbers. And in the 2030 SDGs we have a blueprint to make a real difference for the future of our industry, communities and planet. SAVe, in partnership with other committed organizations like ISE, HETMA, EDGE, CVSA and others, helps fill in the other pieces of the puzzle by providing leadership, resources and inspiration to take concerted action in those areas where we can have the most impact. 

What we need now are volunteers!

We need more people to join as volunteers who share our vision, understand the urgency of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and are ready to make a commitment to turn strategy into reality. 

Join us on this journey – and discover just how much of an impact you can have in securing a sustainable future for us all.

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The Stem ecosystem: The right products, for right now.

Every once in a while, we discover a product line that’s so in tune with what the market needs that we get genuinely excited about it. That’s the case for the Stem Ecosystem, Shure’s versatile, cost-effective and highly effective solution for collaboration spaces of various sizes, configurations and use cases. Oh, and did we mention that Stem is in stock?

When we were at InfoComm – North America’s largest pro-AV trade show – this past June, supply chain issues were on everyone’s mind. But attendees were just as focused on the need for solutions that truly meet their customers’ needs – solutions that deliver pro-level performance in a collaboration-dependent world, effectively eliminate barriers to adoption by being easy to deploy and operate, and combine value with flexibility and scalability. This last point is especially important when both technology and the workspace itself are transforming at breakneck speeds. More than ever before, our customers are demanding solutions that are workable from day one, yet can evolve over time.

Not only is the Stem Ecosystem emblematic of Shure’s approach to today’s workplace, it matches our philosophy as well. Let us show you what we mean:

Simplicity is essential.

Stem’s elegant ceiling microphone chandelier.

It’s not only end users who hate complexity. So do the IT teams who are charged with implementing new conferencing technology. And studies show that end users have no appetite to figure out complicated new technology. They’ll sooner abandon it than learn it. 

Resistance to adoption utterly defeats the purpose of upgrading your meeting room technology.

But that’s not a problem with the Stem ecosystem. It enables you to mix and match a limited number of components – ceiling array, table array, wall array, and loudspeaker – for a customized audio combination in a wide range of rooms. Smaller spaces might need just one component. Larger ones might have up to ten. “That’s the allure: Stem systems are easy to design, purchase and install,” says Brian Reilly, ClearTech’s VP of business development. “It’s great for huddle rooms, medium to large spaces, and even classrooms and divisible spaces.”

Power to the purchaser

We also love that the Stem system is under the Shure umbrella, because they’re in a league of their own when it comes to pre-sale and post-installation support. Unlike many manufacturers, Shure gives full access to end users and integrators alike, offering great tools to help customers decide what’s right for them.

For example, the website includes a section called Stem RoomDesign, where end users (and IT teams) can determine the equipment they’ll need in a wide variety of spaces. It’s a great way for our customers to conceptualize what will be needed. Then they can turn over installation to us.

Another useful feature for prospective users is the website’s “Listen to a Room” feature. It’s a tool that both integrators and end users can love.

Stem’s chandelier rejects sound outside of its conical “fenced” area.

Supply chain confidence

As is the case throughout the global economy, supply chain disruptions have led to long delays in project completion. As an integrator, ClearTech is addressing the problem on multiple fronts, one of which is to search out products that are reliably available. The beauty of the Stem ecosystem is that the devices do not rely on esoteric components that are prone to shortages.

These days, no one can guarantee that every product will be available precisely when needed, but we know that the philosophy behind Stem is one of nimbleness and agility. And those are two qualities we strive to exemplify on the integration side of the equation.

Go with a Shure thing.

Amid all the uncertainty of the moment, it’s more important than ever to choose the right products in solutions that you know will be supported.

We simply have a lot of confidence in Shure.

Quick story: While exploring the Stem website, Brian Reilly decided to give Shure a little test by requesting information as if he were an end user. “Within an hour, I got an email from a Shure representative who asked me if I’d like to learn more. Shure offered me a white paper. I was asked if I needed to speak to a rep. They were really quick to meet my needs.”

That’s on the pre-sale side. But what about post-sale support? “I’ve been in the industry for a long time, and my experience is that in the rare event something does go wrong with a Shure product, they respond quickly and fully,” explains Brian.

One more thing about Stem.

Sometimes people get derailed by the name of this product line. They see “Stem” and think of the acronym used to describe educational curricula – Science, Technology, Engineering & Math. That leads them to conclude that this is strictly an educational product.

It’s not. Stem is a versatile enterprise ecosystem ideal for a vast range of industries and use cases. That said, Stem ALSO works great in educational settings. Go to this page of the Stem website and scroll down for a number of classroom configurations.

ClearTech is a company that specializes in both the higher education and corporate verticals – which is yet another reason we like Stem. But maybe the biggest reason for our enthusiasm is that we’re grateful to discover product lines and manufacturers whose approach to meeting end users’ needs matches our own. In uncertain times, that kind of synergy is invaluable in providing our customers the performance, support, and confidence they need.

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In an era of all-out change, we’re all-in on service.

A portion of ClearTech’s new service area.

As diverse as our clients are, this year they’re reporting remarkably similar experiences: The workplace and educational landscapes are transforming before their eyes; change is the only constant; and labor shortages and supply-chain issues are preventing them from making progress as rapidly as they’d like. They’re eager to move forward and are frustrated by the forces holding them back. In the face of these pressures (which we’re feeling as well), ClearTech is determined to be a catalyst for our clients’ progress rather than another impediment. 

To that end, we’ve been growing and strengthening our team, enlarging and optimizing our tech support and warehouse spaces, and investing resources in improving our customers’ service experience ­– particularly in the area of on-site support. The way we see it, even if megatrends and supply chain issues are beyond our control, ClearTech can make a significant difference in our corner of the world. And we’re doing that by going “all in” on client service. 

Here’s a peak into our strategic plan:

Nothing beats hands-on support. 

This is particularly true for enterprise clients, where change is coming fast and furiously. As they scramble to transform the workplace and adapt to a hybrid world, they’re more reliant than ever on their collaboration technology.

Recognizing the stakes for our customers, we resolved to ramp up customer support accordingly. And one of the most effective ways to do that is by providing dedicated, superior, on-site support.

At one of our clients, a large utility company, we have two staffers on location. One provides overarching support to addresses issues that may come up at multiple locations. The other provides executive support (among many other services) based out of the client’s corporate headquarters.

“Our onsite technicians require a combination of skills in addition to technical knowledge. For one thing, you have to be a sleuth,” says ClearTech Service Manager Matt Sher. “Glitches can occur on the user end, somewhere deep inside IT, and anywhere in between. When it’s not obvious where the issue is, you’ve got to be dogged about getting to the source of the problem.” 

One thing Matt has learned about executives: “They can be demanding and impatient, but if they know you’re actively pursuing the resolution to a problem, they’ll be understanding. The thing is, you can’t just pay lip service to providing support. The client has to SEE that you’re as invested as they are in resolving the issue. So, on top of everything else, this position demands a real problem-solving mentality.”

That insight is one of the reasons Matt has been promoted to Service Manager. All our on-site executive team support team members will be looking to him for the guidance and support they need to provide the same caliber of service that has made Matt a jewel in our service crown. 

When new equipment is scarce, ensure that current equipment performs at its peak.

We live in a time of planned obsolescence with shorter and shorter AV technology life-cycles. Many manufacturers care about quality only insofar as it will keep their gear functioning until the next iteration is rolled out and they can score another sale. 

One of the consequences of this kind of thinking is the horrific amount of e-waste our industry generates. And one of the best ways to counter the scourge of techno-trash is by extending the life of existing gear via repair and reuse. 

But the story doesn’t end there. Now that supply chain issues have dried up the supply of new gear, fixing and repurposing usable devices and peripherals really is the only option for many organizations who rely on that equipment for business continuity. And here is where ClearTech can have a direct impact. We’re staffing up to provide repair services. We’re also expanding our warehouse and workshop spaces. Furthermore, we’re taking advantage of the additional space to stock more inventory. 

Hire for character, work ethic and responsiveness.

Technical knowledge can be imparted. Character ­– and caring – cannot. A major reason ClearTech often beats out much larger integration firms for enterprise accounts is because of the type of people on our team. 

Say we’re providing live event support for a corporate client’s critically important investor meeting. “You need someone with the skills to make sure the event goes off without a hitch,” says ClearTech Director of Technical Services, Adam Mejia, “but that’s just part of the equation. Personality, problem-solving acumen, social skills, and a smooth and steady demeanor are all essential to instilling confidence and trust. A large number of our c-suite clients will ask for ClearTech support staffers by name. That’s an indication that we’re providing real value to them.” 

Incidentally, ClearTech Live support is one of the industry’s great bargains. “There are companies dedicated to providing services of this nature, and they charge many thousands of dollars for them. For all but the most elaborate events, however, our executive support team can set up, produce the meeting, and handle the teardown for a fraction of the cost,” says Meija.

Be a career destination.

The demand for technology professionals is hotter than ever, and large employers are paying top-dollar for talent. So how is it that ClearTech hasn’t just created a team of AV pros, but is adding to it every day?

One of the reasons is we strive to be a career destination – a place where individuals are celebrated and collaboration is prized, where each person can discover where their talents and passions lie, and every team member has the opportunity to realize their potential. 

“What’s also important,” says ClearTech founder and President Christina De Bono, “is to have a real mission as an organization – a purpose that elevates work beyond the transactional. We’re serious about cultivating the potential of individuals, but we’re also devoted – deeply – to bettering our community, and planet, by founding SAVe, Sustainability in AV, a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing stakeholders together in the AV industry to take concerted action in achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.”

Bottom line: People need to have a reason to work hard and provide genuinely great service to clients. For that to happen, they need both to be valued as individuals and given the opportunity to reach beyond themselves.

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Hunting for Treasure – and finding it – at InfoComm 2022

Each year, AV pros come together at InfoComm, our industry’s largest tradeshow, to see and showcase products, take continuing-education classes, and grow their professional networks. But 2022 was different:

This year, we were on a mission.

“In the face of supply chain issues that have forced so many integrators to pull back on their services, our goal was to find great products that manufacturers can actually deliver on,” says ClearTech founder Christina De Bono. “Concurrent with that quest, we also sought out products and providers who align with our commitment to offer our customers more sustainable technology solutions.”

Determined to uncover “InfoComm’s Hidden Technology Treasures,” the ClearTech contingent divided itself into teams and methodically surveyed InfoComm’s vast products and solutions landscape.

Two of ClearTech’s most intrepid technology sleuths were solution architect Max Brown and VP of business development Brian Reilly. Among the offerings they found most impressive:

What We Found


Apantac Multiviewer

“I’d heard of Apantac, but hadn’t used any of their products,” says Max, “but the more I’ve learned about this company, the more impressed I am.” Apantac is an innovative designer/developer of high-quality, cost-effective solutions for image processing and signal extension and processing. Better yet, their solutions come in a wide range of form factors. We’re particularly excited about their multiviewers, but everything this company creates warrants close attention.


What makes this well-established company a “Hidden Technology Treasure” is the fact that it’s actually DELIVERING on its products. Unlike many competitors that are reporting lead times of up to a year or more, Audio-Technica reports a 45-day delivery time on most of its products. Not only that, its products integrate beautifully into a wide range of solutions for business and education, our two principal sectors.

Aurora MultiMedia

Here’s a company that may be unfamiliar to you, but you should definitely get to know Aurora. This made-in-the-USA manufacturer offers a broad range of products, including 10G and 1G AV-over-IP devices and systems, DSPs, amplifiers and microphones. They were initially brought to our attention by various industry consultants, all of whom gave Aurora positive reviews. When we saw them at InfoComm, we also learned that they’re able to deliver their products right now. Great performance, great delivery model – two huge assets in today’s AV landscape.


Based out of Las Vegas, AVgear.com provides new, refurbished and certified professional audio, video, lighting, staging and production gear and accessories. Companies like this are going to be integral to advancing sustainability in the AV industry, because right now our sector gobbles up scarce natural resources to produce new equipment and generates an unconscionable amount of e-waste when that gear is replaced. By providing a forum for industry members to extend the life of the technology solutions we design and deploy, AVgear.com is making a big contribution to meeting the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (Learn more at Sustainability in AV, or SAVe.).

Convergent Design

Perhaps the newest company we discovered, Convergent Design’s audio pickup and auto-framing technology is a real innovation in conferencing and live-streaming applications. It’s new Erika AI system includes face-tracking, support for up to four UHD cameras, and ultra-fast voice-activated switching. Each participant (up to 20) has their own unique (virtual) camera and wireless microphone, enabling a superior close-up view with minimal echoes and reverb. A great example of innovation in conferencing, “This is a company we’re watching very closely,” says Max. Another item in the plus column: Convergent Design’s products are designed and made in the USA.


Joan’s innovative and earth-friendly organizational tools.

One of Max’s favorite finds, Joan provides innovative products to help organizations manage their ever-evolving workplaces, including meeting-room scheduling, desk-management, way-finding and visitor-management solutions. “There are a lot of things to love about Joan,” says Max. “For one thing, its products boast extreme power efficiency, drawing just 1/100 of the power needed by a tablet.”

Also important: Joan’s products are built to last at least five years, and they boast a failure rate of just 0.63%, the lowest in the industry. When they do come to the end of their useful life, Joan devices’ high-quality recyclable materials reduce the toll on the environment. We also like their simplicity of operation, commitment to security, and the ease with which they can be integrated into larger solutions.


The K-Array RAIL system

We can’t say that K-Array is an InfoComm discovery for ClearTech; we’ve known about this innovative Italian audio company for some time now, and are actually using them on some current projects. But it’s important to mention K-Array because they’re always introducing interesting products. For example, “The Anakonda is a flexible, ribbon-like speaker that you can run like a wire,” explains Max. “It can be almost invisible, yet the sound is huge. K-Array also has something called the RAIL system, which is an overhead light fixture that doubles as a speaker.”

Brian was just as impressed as Max. “K-Array are masters of getting big sound from small speakers,” says our VP of business development. “They can fit into all kinds of spaces and be inconspicuous and still perform like gigantic speakers.”

LEON Speakers

When both performance and aesthetics count, this Ann Arbor-based speaker manufacturer’s solutions for video conferencing, distributed audio, and technology concealment must be part of your consideration set. From off-she-shelf to custom solutions, Leon is an exemplar of American craftsmanship.

QSC Pro Audio

QSC Q-SYS Processors

“This company has been on my radar for a while,” says Brian. “They’re typically known as an audio company – a really, really good one – but in their Q-SYS offering, they also provide a fantastic end-to-end solution for Teams, Zoom, and other platforms. The company’s demo suite is just the best.” This fully integrated, software-based audio, video & control platform eliminates the need for cumbersome, single-purpose hardware found in traditional AV systems. It’s been successfully deployed at a number of leading universities, and we’re excited to introduce it to new customers in that sector.

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