
SAVe Makes International Debut at ISE 2023 in Barcelona

Christina De Bono and Joe Perez introduce SAVe, Sustainability in AV, to ISE 2023 in Barcelona.

In June, 2022, when SAVe, Sustainability in AV, was formally launched at InfoComm in Las Vegas, little did we suspect that mere months later we would be presenting on a global stage at ISE 2023 in Barcelona.

But that’s the power of an idea whose time has come (or, in our industry’s case, an idea that’s long overdue).

Thanks to generous support from ISE, which has designated SAVe as its official Sustainability Partner, along with event sponsors QSC, Legrand AV and Salamander Designs, SAVe was able to send a full delegation to Barcelona, where we exhibited, presented, and introduced ourselves to a global audience at the world’s largest AV industry gathering. 

It’s hard to overstate the scale of ISE 2023, but perhaps most amazing for the SAVe team was ISE’s “all-in” support for our mission, which included giving SAVe prime display and meeting space in the ISE Impact Lounge, centrally located in ISE’s Congress Square, the hub within the vast Fira Gran Via complex. 

Two questions you might ask.

Why did we go to Barcelona, when we’re still establishing ourselves as the first U.S.-based industry-wide organization to bring the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals to our industry? Because sustainability can only be achieved as a global effort. ISE 2023 provided a singular opportunity for SAVe to bring stakeholders together in our industry to take concerted action to achieve the SDGs on every continent, in every nation. 

And how much progress did we make toward achieving our goals for ISE 2023?  

An astounding amount. 

Missions accomplished.

Our principal objective was to provide education and to put out a call to call to action on advancing the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in our industry. One measure of success in this regard is the number of industry leaders we signed up who want to take meaningful action. Individuals and organizations from across our industry – and across the world – expressed keen interest in partnering with us on a number of fronts, from volunteering on specific initiatives like SAVe: A Second Life and SAVe Certification, to becoming SAVe Ambassadors. Another indicator of success is the amount of media coverage we received. See our blog page for links to the various articles. We’ll post them all as they are published. 

In addition, SAVe made critical initial connections to prospective sponsors and partner organizations. And not least, we solidified our relationship with ISE, its parent organizations AVIXA and CEDIA, and laid the foundation for continued collaboration. 

In the coming months, we’ll have much more news to report on these and other fronts. For now, we’re busy absorbing and responding to all the contacts we made and potential avenues for partnership that we identified. 

The road ahead

Look, we’re clear-eyed about the challenges that our industry (and our planet) face as we strive to achieve sustainability. But after spending a week meeting with many of our industry’s brightest, most impassioned and committed people and organizations, it’s impossible not to be energized about our prospects for success. 

The vast majority of people we interacted with understood the challenges we face and were favorably disposed toward taking action. And among them were scores of attendees – many of them industry leaders – who had already done their homework and indeed made it a personal priority to meet with and learn more about SAVe. 

We have momentum. We have the numbers. And in the 2030 SDGs we have a blueprint to make a real difference for the future of our industry, communities and planet. SAVe, in partnership with other committed organizations like ISE, HETMA, EDGE, CVSA and others, helps fill in the other pieces of the puzzle by providing leadership, resources and inspiration to take concerted action in those areas where we can have the most impact. 

What we need now are volunteers!

We need more people to join as volunteers who share our vision, understand the urgency of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and are ready to make a commitment to turn strategy into reality. 

Join us on this journey – and discover just how much of an impact you can have in securing a sustainable future for us all.

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Thank you for attending “IFMA WE: Impacting Climate Change & Creating a Sustainable World”!

“Thought provoking”…”action-oriented”…”eye opening” – The reaction to our recent event and panel discussion – Impacting Climate Change & Creating a Sustainable World – was extremely positive! Many thanks to our fantastic hosts, sponsors, panelists and attendees. As a follow-up, we are including a number of resources for you to download or link to. 

Eric Teicholz (IFMA Sustainability Community Board Member, IFMA Foundation SFP Sustainability Scholarship Sponsor) moderated a spectacular cast of panelists including Bill Conley (CFM, SFP, ProFM, LEEP AP, IFMA Fellow, Yamaha National Manager, Facilities Services), Aris Hovasapian (Utility Program Manager, Facilities Planning & Development, Los Angeles Community College District), John McGee (IFMA Fellow, IFMA Sustainability Community Board Member), Susan Angus (Executive Director, Commission on Voluntary Service & Action), Dan Thompson (Director, Corporate Environmental Department, Panasonic North America), and Cris Ferregur (VP of Supply Chains, SDI, Inc)

Technology sponsors included CrestronPanasonic and Shure.

Video from the event.

Access downloads from the event.

Adapting to Climate Change for Facility Management Professionals

A comprehensive report from IFMA FM Research & Benchmarking Institute to assist Facility Managers (FMs) in reducing vulnerability to the effects of climate change for the organizations they support. 

Climate Change Fundamentals for Facility Management Professionals

Climate change is a reality. It is a global crisis, and if current trends continue, the effects on our ecosystems will have serious consequences. This document provides and overview for how implementing smart technology now as a plan for resilience is one step in the right direction.

Bringing the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals to the AV Industry

A PowerPoint presentation exploring what is the role of our industry in solving the climate crisis and achieving sustainable development.

Bring people together, and move your organization forward. ClearTech’s new eBook will show you how.

Learn how AV technology can empower your hybrid workforce. Download our new eBook, Hybrid Power: How Collaboration Technology Fuels Productivity in the new Workplace. An invaluable tool for prudent planning, it takes you through the new office environment, room by room, to meet your needs today, and tomorrow.

Images from “IFMA WE: Impacting Climate Change & Creating a Sustainable World”

This event had a sense of energy and community purpose that was almost palpable.

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ClearTech Celebrates Thanksgiving With the 2030 SDGs

ClearTech celebrated Thanksgiving this year by continuing to promote the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. The ClearTech team hosted a game of SDG trivia and ClearTech’s President Christina De Bono, along with Sue Angus of CVSA, gave a presentation on the significance of the 2030 SDGs.

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Building a Sustainable World: The 2030 SDGs: A Blueprint for Workplace Evolutionaries

We are excited that our event about building a sustainable world and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals was a great success! We would like to thank everyone who participated in this great event including our hosts, sponsors, presenters, and attendees.

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Thank You For Attending New Hybrid World: Connecting People, Space and Technology Panel and Discussion!

We are happy to announce that our event and panel discussion about The New Hybrid World: Connecting People, Space and Technology was a great success! We would like to extend our many thanks to everyone who participated in this great event. This includes IFMA WE Hub SoCal leaders: Christina De Bono, ClearTech AV CEO, Holly Rau, PeopleSpace Managing Director, Irene Thomas-Johnson, JLL Executive Director and Rodney Stone, President of ENV Architects.

Pat Turnbull Senior Associate, Advanced Workplace Associates, MA, LEED AP, IFMA Fellow moderated a spectacular cast of panelists including Linda Kramer, Senior Director, Occupancy Planning, JLL, Dave Norton, Project Manager, California Polytechnic State University, D. Scott Haynes, Director, Building Operations & Facilities, Leaf Group, Michael Kimes, Senior Project Manager, NASA, Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Chris Spaulding, Director of Technology, Granite Properties.

Technology sponsors included Crestron, Panasonic and Shure.

New Hybrid World: Connecting People, Space and Technology
We’ve compiled a foundational list of technology recommendations for a variety of office spaces including small/large conference rooms, lobbies or entryways, collaboration spaces training rooms, offices, and more.
Download here.

IFMA Foundation Pandemic Manual
Applying What Scientists Know About Where and How People Work Best.
Download here.

IFMA Foundation Work on the Move 3
Work on the Move 3, the third book of this series, will be published in the summer of 2021.  This important publication will be released as the world recovers from the Covid-19 pandemic.
Order Free Preview Chapter Here.

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WE Celebrate Cinco De Mayo 2021

We’re happy to announce that the WE IFMA Cinco De Mayo hybrid event was a big success!

We’d like to thank our sponsors and everyone who participated. We couldn’t have done it without you and your support.

Click Here to View Image Gallery

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Reshaping The Workplace: Planning for Tomorrow and the Post-COVID-19 Future

Reshaping The Workplace: Planning for Tomorrow and the Post-COVID-19 Future January 27, 2021

We are happy to announce that our Reshaping the Workplace virtual event and panel discussions was a great success.

We would like to extend our many thanks to the panelists, hosts, guests and planning committee for making this event a great success. Here are some of the highlights from our event:

Reference Material:

Reimagine – The new future of work to shape a better world by JLL Global Research: DOWNLOAD

Stop Guessing, Start Planning: How Technology Unites Us in the Distanced Future by ClearTech: DOWNLOAD

Return to Workspace Design Guide by PeopleSpace: DOWNLOAD

Pandemic Manual by IFMA Foundation: DOWNLOAD

IFMA WEHUB Reshaping the Workplace Presentation: DOWNLOAD

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Rethinking the Space of Learning

Achieving the Smart Campus of Tomorrow, Today!

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Why Join NSCA

The National Systems Contractors Association is a valuable resource for businesses such as ours. Here’s a short video about everything the NSCA can do to help make your firm successful.

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Collaborative Learning Environments Symposium

Following the opening of the Marriott Learning Center at Cal Poly Pomona’s College of Hospitality Management, we participated in a symposium on creating collaborating learning environments. ClearTech was responsible for integrating AV into this remarkable facility, and here are highlights of the discussion in which stakeholders discussed the collaboration that enabled it.

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