A conversation with ClearTech’s Dahlia Abrams on the journey to Managed Services & AV-as-a-Service August 2024

Looking back, the rise in demand for AV Managed Services and AV-as-a-Service (AVaaS) seems inevitable. First, COVID forced business, educational and other institutions to embrace remote work. Then, as the pandemic waned, it became clear that the hybrid workplace was here to stay. This was the new normal, and it simply wouldn’t be possible without AV technology.
But technology alone can’t create the conditions that allow for true collaboration. The other piece of the puzzle is service – the capabilities, tools, and old-fashioned client commitment that allow technology to fulfill its promise.
The quality of service provided by companies like ClearTech keeps technology working and enables people to be productive. And it’s all the more important in an era of rapid technological change and unpredictable economic events. Says ClearTech’s Director of sales, Dalia Abrams, “Our customers depend on technology like never before, which means they need a trustworthy, capable technology partner like never before.
“That’s why we moved quickly and decisively to take service to a whole new level by developing ClearTech Connect Managed Services and AVaaS.”
We sat down for a conversation with Dahlia about how ClearTech’s customer relationships mirror broader industry trends and how the company enables its clients to thrive in a dynamic, unpredictable technology landscape.
Just how important was the pandemic in spurring demand for new AV service models?
Dahlia: It was critical in a number of ways. The pandemic created a situation where collaboration technologies that were already in use and under development had to be rolled out on a greatly accelerated timeline. Everyone, all at once, saw a need for these tools, and the world scrambled to embrace them.
Fast forward a few years and it became clear that we’re never going back to the old ways of working. Yes, there’s a powerful return-to-work movement, but the workplace isn’t going to resemble the one we used to know. Hybrid is here to stay.
But while every business and school use collaboration technology, very few have the resources to fully manage it.
And it must be managed, right?
Absolutely. For one thing, the technology itself is always changing, as is the way people use it. Organizations’ needs constantly evolve as well, and that places additional demands on technology. And let’s be clear: Building and maintaining a collaboration technology infrastructure is not a casual endeavor. There are real costs involved. Remember, too, that the resources an organization spends managing its communication infrastructure are resources NOT spent on growing its business.
The fact is most organizations just don’t have time or expertise to manage their collaboration technology on their own. At the same time, they rely on that infrastructure more than ever. Pre-Covid, teleconferencing might have been an occasional activity for many organizations. Today it’s an all-day activity. Without it, business rapidly comes to a halt.
What we saw at ClearTech was an increasing need among our clients for reliable, robust technology that’s always ready to work on their behalf. Just as important, our clients need systems that are user-friendly, standardized, and intuitive in their operation. When a workforce is saddled with cumbersome, glitchy communication systems, users go absolutely nuts. Inadequate technology will actually spur them to change jobs. They have smartphones that always work, and they demand that their workplace technology always works. When it doesn’t – when systems aren’t adequately maintained and updated – workers get frustrated and feel as though their employers don’t value their time and skills.
So what is an employer to do?
Well, employers often find themselves in a bind. To keep their business running and their people productive, they often pour money into their tech infrastructure. But the costs can really drag them down. Often what they need isn’t new technology. They need a new way to manage it.
This realization is what prompted ClearTech to invest in our ClearTech Connect AV Managed Services and AVaaS offerings.
We’ve always been known for being “service obsessed.” Those aren’t my words. That’s what our clients say. And that’s because, to a person, our team will bend over backwards to keep our clients’ technology up and running, and when problems do arise, our response is “all hands on deck” until we get their issue resolved.
Our clients’ confidence that we’ll move heaven and earth for them has made ClearTech an industry player that’s far more formidable than our size would suggest. We regularly compete against behemoth AV integrators, and often we win the business.
But the world is changing in ways that made it clear to us that if ClearTech wants to keep on winning new business and if we want to retain those clients for the long term, we had to take service to a whole new level.
What does it mean exactly to take service to a “whole new level.”
Two things. First, we introduced ClearTech Connect AV Managed Services, which gives our clients some truly game-changing service enhancements, including remote monitoring and 24/7 access to a virtual help desk. Offered as a subscription service, ClearTech Connect enables remote management of every connected device in an environment. Those devices are continuously monitored to ensure their working status. Should a performance issue arise, alerts are sent and problems can be resolved before that big meeting or high-stakes conference call when you absolutely need your network to function.
But what happens if you do run into an issue at a crucial moment? ClearTech Connect gives you immediate access to live, expert help. In each room there’s a posted QR code. Simply scan it and you’ll be connected to a trained expert who knows the gear and can troubleshoot in real time. I should mention, too, that often there really isn’t a need for actual troubleshooting. The problem may arise simply from a user’s lack of familiarity with the technology or a mistake they made in trying to operate it. In mere moments, they’re connected with an expert who can talk them through whatever issue they’re having.
Think about the simplicity of the interaction and the peace of mind that comes from that level of service. Oh, and here’s another benefit: Our monitoring technology is hardware agnostic. No matter how many devices you have from however many manufacturers, ClearTech Connect will monitor and manage your gear – without introducing any vulnerabilities to your network. In fact, ClearTech Connect was designed from the ground up to protect our customers’ systems, data and networks.
What else is important to know about managed services?
This is important: Remote monitoring yields a treasure trove of data analytics on what devices are being used and how often, and which ones are performing reliably and which aren’t. That information is invaluable in technology planning because it speaks directly to ROI. You know where you’re getting your money’s worth and where you aren’t.
And speaking of money, ClearTech Connect managed services are offered as a simple, predictable, manageable subscription that you can treat as an operating expense rather than a capital one. This is a boon for budgeting! We all know that technology fixes can be pricey, so there’s tremendous peace of mind that comes from managed services, which are proactive in nature. Consider, also, the cost of a technology failure during, say, an investor meeting. ClearTech Connect ensures network uptime so that when you need your collaboration infrastructure to earn its keep, it’ll do just that.
One more thing I’d add: As a managed services provider, ClearTech has the knowledge you need not just to maintain your infrastructure but to help you plan for the future. We become an even more valuable adviser because we have a hands-on knowledge of how your business works, how your technology is used, and how to match your technology investment to your strategic objectives.
What about AV-as-a-Service? What will that do for an organization?
Talk about game-changing. ClearTech AV-as-a-Service (AVaaS) is end-to-end AV that’s continuously monitored, managed and refreshed. It’s a complete AV solution – design, integration, deployment and service – offered as a subscription. You get all the benefits of an AV infrastructure without the financial and logistical burdens of ownership.
With ClearTech Connect, we monitor and manage a technology infrastructure that you own. With As-a-Service, all the hardware and software are provided as a subscription for an agreed-upon amount of time.
So the big advantages here are the ease, simplicity and predictability that come from having a single source that meets all your AV needs. You get the latest AV technology, combined with full remote monitoring and management, plus all the data and analytics, plus ongoing access to all our expertise and guidance. And at the end of the term, we can refresh your solution with new gear that keeps you on the cutting edge.
If you want the freedom to focus 100% on your core competencies while enjoying a complete, turnkey AV solution, ClearTech AVaaS is for you. It radically simplifies and optimizes your entire AV experience. And I’m just scratching the surface of what it has to offer. You can learn more here.
One final question: As you mentioned before, ClearTech is not the largest AV integrator. What makes you confident that your managed services offerings can compete with those offered by much larger solutions providers?
This goes back to our DNA as a company. We were founded to provide a level of service that larger organizations simply don’t offer. The people of ClearTech are personally invested in our clients’ success, and that’s the big differentiator. We combine decades of technology expertise with relentless customer commitment that provides our clients the reassurance that we’ll always be there for them.